Sabtu, 21 Juni 2008

“People Life”

People life is always interest me. Some of powerful people in the world, put their word in books. Their experiences enrich mine. That is why I love to read them. Biography is one of my favorite book subjects. Women lives attract me more, because I am a woman.

Anne Frank Diaries and Kartini biography are some of my favorite books. Their life as a young women that die in a very young age give a perspectives about life. As young women their life were very inspiring. Anne Frank in a very young age, she could put her horrible experiences thoughts wise words. In these words, we can learn to appreciate life. Life is so short, we have to do something right. While Kartini, a heroine from Jepara Indonesia, was a powerful, modern and smart woman that came from a strong Javanese culture. I always fascinated about her breakthough and brilliant ideas about a nation and women, her talents, ideas and all of her struggle to reach her dreams.

As a Moslem, I have interest in woman lives too according to my religion perspectives. Khadijah is one of them. Khadijah is the first life of Prophet Muhammad SAW. She had everything –smart, rich, progressive mind- and she also had golden heart. She owned noble women values in Islam. It is so fascinating that she can work equally with men and respected by them.

I have to say that I also amazed by Madonna. Madonna for me is a live story about continous and creative hard works. She in not even young right now, but she keep gives her best in every appearences. Her performances alywas new and refreshing. Through her works, as if she said to the world that nothing can stopped me. I want to be like that, give all I can do until the last breath. Humm..what a life!!!!

...16 April 2008

“Our Choices”

Many people thinks they are not satisfy with their life. They feel like if something that not suit to them, or if they not fulfilling something in their life, they will be less happy. They will be happier, if all what they need are there.

But let see, not every people get what they really want. There are many factors why they did not get what they are really wants. But you know, it’s not about that at all. Mostly it happens when we see other people who live around us, or people that we consider ‘more’ than us. For example, we see a life of a friend that we consider he/she happier because of something and than we assume and we tell to ourself that if that also happen to us, it would be a great life for us.

But let’s face it, every people find happines in many different way. Some of them find life and happines in unique and strange way, some find in money, some find in the way they communicate with people, some find when they feel free when they doing what they like. There are plenty way to find that. Instead of see and focus on what people have we don’t we FOCUS ON OURSELF? It’s a choice, whether us what to do that or not, or we just want to stay to focus on what people have.

Let me through, I have to say it’s my weakness, as an ordinary person. I have to say as human, those feeling are so strong. And then what happen is me as human who don’t have life that I want because I see other standard start to make life difficult for ourself. That’s so typical me. And it’s so immature. As a human also, process of learning is always in our life until we die. All those experience, through all our life, always be thankful and what we have and to see the potential of ourself. Just believe we good at something, and try hard to find it. It’s more than enough to make ourself happy.

This thougt came o me on 17 May 2007

"My First Post"

Hi everybody!

It is always fun to have a new media that allows to express ourself. I hope this will be a fun journal to read that will tell anything that happen in me and my world.

I never wrote in a blog before. This is a high jump for me because I really want to learn writing, giving and deliver idea with ordinary life as background. Not many interesting writing I had, just regular things. I’m sure more often and harder I make a good writings both in English and German (hopefully i can dot is as soon as possible), my writings will be improve a lot. Just feel free if you have comments about my writings (anything, whether the language, the content, the focus etc.).

So would you please leave any comments or opinions. I would love to hear it from you!

Thank you!